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I’m Schena, and I would love to share my story with you.

I’m Schena, and I would love to share my story with you.

The insistent words of a close friend of over 30 years almost magically walked me into my kitchen – ‘Make that granola!’. All I had been saying for months was, ‘But I don’t eat or like granola.’ – “But I do love to cook!”

Five minutes of research and miraculously a recipe channeled through me. I could almost hear the voice of my grandmother as I took the tray of granola out of the oven. A year later, the recipe remains unchanged and that one special ingredient is what creates the magic! 

Through my granola, I found the alchemy of motherhood, friendship, intuition, divine guidance, passion, and a journey to wellness and wholeness.

My Process

Curate a selection of beautiful, seasonal ingredients.


Combine the ingredients intentionally – focusing on infusing each batch with love and presence.


Package lovingly-made granola in reusable, sustainable glass jars that will find a beautiful home in your kitchen.


I was born into a middle-class Sikh family in a small town in northern India called Chandigarh, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas.

From my childhood home we could see the snow capped mountains. My mother christened me Hema Schena - shining like the snow. I was raised by my single mom, maternal grandparents and extended family - I embodied 'it takes a village'...
Now, at the age of 54, a mother of 3 grown children and married to a wonderfully kind man, I stand at the precipice of the next exciting chapter of my life, and as I look back over my life's journey and connect all the dots, I am filled with gratitude at how each formative period led me to the next. Having traveled a vast breadth of experiences as a woman, I marvel at how I have straddled the best, and the more challenging, of East and West, and how these diverse influences have come together inside me. A demure Indian girl growing up in with a single mom,

feeling the dichotomy of wealth, privilege, and poverty, with a progressive family trying to break free from the strangleholds of tradition and a toxic patriarchal society. A mom of three now living in California after having lived in four different countries around the world - my vast array of experience has stayed with me through the journey of life. The strength of spirituality, infused in me from my childhood, and my tenacity to withstand the immense challenges of life. My trust that the universe is always holding me, teaching me the magic of life through every moment, good or bad. This vast array of experiences has become my passion for intuitive living, conscious parenting, cooking and enjoying good food, and wellness. At the core of it all lies the ancestral wisdom that flows through me from my lineage.
I now live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, my children and my parents close by.

And one thing I know for sure, now more than ever before, is that it’s time for women, for the feminine, to rise and shine and heal the world!


To combine special ingredients, creating magic that awakens & nourishes the soul.

Colorful Dried Fruits

Organic Oats

Nutritious nuts & seeds